When one board failed, she carefully removed it from the tester and replaced it with another. As the second tested, rolls of text flashed across the screen, but for the moment, Justine turned her attention elsewhere. She dipped a kimwipe sheet in alcohol and turned the failed board over in her hand. Gently, she smoothed the chemical down the length of the board, cleaning it of any lint.
Once the second had passed, Justine lifted the hatch and removed it, dressing the board in a fresh gasket before setting it in the box to be built into a product. As for the original board, it went back in for a second go.
Justine has been with NK for eight months, starting her run on the Kestrel line. Where her path will lead her next remains to be seen.
In the meantime, Justine enjoys her free time reading various book series, especially crime novels. In fact, one of her favorite past times is to spread out a picnic blanket in her backyard, pile it with snacks, and watch her lovely little girls run around while kicking back with her latest read. She names JD Robb, James Patterson, and Dean Koontz among her favorite authors. And of course, she is a loving fan of the Harry Potter series. If not reading, Justine happily unwinds on her PlayStation, with Kingdom Hearts being her most loved game.
Perhaps in the future, Justine will embark on her own adventures that are worth reading about, like swimming with sharks at the Camden aquarium or visiting Rio.
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