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People Behind the Products: Meet Bob

People Behind the Products: Meet Bob

Bob joined the NK team back in 2008. He works as the lean manufacturing engineer for our rowing and sports products, including CoxBox, Blue Ocean Megaphone, SpeedCoach GPS, and EmPower Oarlock. As part of his job, Bob is responsible for a wide range of duties like working with our design engineers to develop processes for products, designing the layout and work of the line, and training employees. Once the production is ready to begin, Bob will conduct time studies to optimize the flow to meet TAKT. He is always looking for ways to continuously improve the process.

About working here, Bob says the best part is the people, calling it the "nicest place I've ever worked" and referencing the great dynamic between the average worker and upper management. "It really comes down to the people," he says.

Q & A

What are your hobbies and interests outside of work?

Soccer. I mostly ref now, but I've coached, managed, and played my whole life. I used to coach at my son's school, but now I just ref for travel soccer. I've done that for eleven years. I’ve been learning to play guitar – classic rock. Mostly acoustic. I have an electric but I would say 80 percent of my time is spent with the acoustic. If I like the way the guitar part of a song sounds, I get hooked up on that and try to play it.

I started skydiving last year through NK and I've done it three times now. But it’s something I want to continue to learn how to do so that at some point I can do it on my own. I've dabbled in mixology a little bit. Just on my own. I may pursue a bartending class someday, but not yet.

What would you consider your greatest accomplishment?

I have three amazing kids. They are growing up to be wonderful adults. Never was there a situation where I felt ashamed of them. They're just great kids. That’s got to be my greatest accomplishment.

What is on your bucket list and have you checked off anything yet?

Well, skydiving was on the bucket list. Once I hit fifty, I decided, "Okay, each year I’m going to try to do something". First, it was guitar. Then skydiving. So, I have two things: learning a language (Italian, I want to go visit Italy) and ride a motorcycle.

People Behind the Products at NK: Meet Bob

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